This photo is the embodiment of life in Hawaii. Taken in 2017, on the Windward side of Oahu.
Scattered along roadways all over the southwest are roadside shrines to debated friends and loved ones. Some are very elaborate.
We came across this dstyoe of fencing all over Mississippi and Tennessee.
Now that we are back in New York, at least for a little while, I plan to look back over my photos from the trip and pick additional images to post. The photo above was taken last Sunday of the Tennessee River from an overlook on the Natchez Trail. We were in Florence, Alabama, a few miles from the Alabama / Tennessee border. I was surprised that the river was not the actual border, especially since it is called the Tennessee.
May 20 – Driving through the Davis Mountain in west Texas on the way to Davis Mountain State Park.
May 18 – Staying again at the beautiful Pancho Villa State Park campground in the desert of Columbus, New Mexico. It is one of my all-time favorite campgrounds. We stayed for one night this past April when the weather was overcast and rainy. Today the weather was perfect, and the sunset over the desert was magnificent.
May 13 – When we drove from Tucson to Ajo last month we saw buds on some of the Saguaro Cacti. Today, driving back east from Ajo to Tucson, the cacti were in full bloom. These sentinels of the Sonoran Desert are magnificent in all their glory. I read that the Tohono O’Odham Indians, who have lived in the Sonoran Desert for thousands of years, consider Saguaro cacti relatives, and cherish the plants, the flowers and fruit.
May 12 – A beautiful sunset over the mountains of southeastern California, as seen from the desert just east of El Centro.
April 29 – It’s been raining on and off all day. Gentle, Hawaii rain, but rain none the less. An early evening rainbow gives the rain a silver, or should that be gold, lining.