The most surprising sights … Driving on a rural road in the Green Swamp of Central Florida we passed this very unique fence/art installation. Capture and edited in Lightroom Mobile on my iPhone 7 plus.

Color or Black & White? Back in the days of film photography you used either color or black & white film. With the advent of digital photography, the choice became one to make when editing. While most digital cameras, and mobile camera apps, offer a black & white mode, I prefer making my choices in post. My preference for some of the garden macro images I posted yesterday is black & while. Editing was done in Lightroom Mobile — and after changing to black &…Continue Reading

2017 begins with macros … I am loving the iPhone 7 plus camera, and just before Christmas I received a mounting plate for attaching my Moment lenses. I know I will be using the wide angle lens for landscape shots, and I am am so happy to be able to finally use the macro lens again. What I don’t need any more is the Moment telephoto lens – in my mind the iPhone 7 plus dual lens has made it superfluous (more about that in…Continue Reading

Capturing RAW in iOS 10 Last month Apple introduced iOS 10 which added a feature much wanted by photographers — the ability to capture images in RAW format. Before the iOS 99% of images were captured as JPEGs, with a few apps using the TIFF format. Unfortunately, the native iPhone Camera app is still limited to JPEG, but third party apps have quickly jumped on the RAW bandwagon. The iPhone actually captures in DNG, which is the standardized RAW format promoted by Adobe. The difference…Continue Reading

There are days and events that, for one reason or another, become part of our visceral memories. Days of joy and days of unimaginable pain and sadness. I will always remember where I was when the nation learned that President Kennedy had been shot, when the Challenger exploded, and when the horrific events of 9/11 began. 

I had a photograph selected for another juried show — The 35th Annual Juried Photography show at the Mill Pond House in St. James, the Smithtown Arts Council Gallery. The theme of the show is HOME, and along with entries artists were asked to submit a statement about their work. As my work tends to be observational as opposed to introspective, I approach the theme of home from the viewpoint of the outside looking in. I am also finding that 90% of my current photos have been…Continue Reading “Home!”

I originally posted this photo edited, but with the image exactly as shot. There was another person, just outside the image who was also making a bubble, and the person’s hands and sticks were visible. Using Adobe Photoshop Fix, another mobile app, I removed these distractions – a slight change of reality, but a more pleasing image.