Only in New York…

Categories Buildings & Cities, People, Viewpoints1 Comment

A week ago Sunday, Eddie and I took the train into New York City for a day doing one of our favorite things — a long walk downtown taking in the sights and sounds of the city, and eating in Chinatown. On our walk I took pictures of a few “only in New York” moments. The first of which was pretty astounding — a pianist playing a baby grand piano in the middle of Washington Square park. He wasn’t on a stage, and there was nothing formal going on, just an impromptu concert and a bucket to collect tips!

Among the other sights were a very large dog, a street artist, wedding photos in the middle of broadway, and reflections of building on a glass building.






On one side street someone had covered the entire surface of a sign post with orange, plastic handcuffs. I thought it would make an interesting photo, and while I was taking the pictures a group of four teenagers put their faces into the shot — which also made for an interesting photo!

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