Ave Maria …

Categories Buildings & Cities0 Comments

We are staying at a friend’s condo on Marco Island in Southwest Florida — just of the coast from Naples. Today we took a ride inland, and we came upon the planned community of Ave Maria, which surrounds Ave Maria University. The center piece of the community is a huge cathedral — modern in all aspects, but adorned with traditional statues of saints in patina of gold. I cannot say I liked it, but it was an awesome sight, inside and out. These two photos were taken with my iPhone. I also took photos with my Nikon, which I plan to work with tomorrow.


iPhone image edited on the iPad

When we came upon Ave Maria, I kept thinking that I vaguely remembered some controversy about Ave Maria University. I looked it up, and it turns out that there is a controversial story surrounding the university, the town, and Tom Monaghan, the founder of both Dominos Pizza and the college.